“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7
Ways to Give at St. Mina’s Church:
Online Donations: Donate via PayPal using your bank account or credit card. This method allows for one time donations as well as monthly donations. There are no fees charged to you or to the church. This is a preferred donation method.
Donate through your Bank: You have two options to make donations through your bank. You can fill out this form to authorize Saint Mina Coptic Church to make direct debits from your account. Additionally, you can set up one time or monthly recurring donations through your own bank yourself if you prefer. Go to your bank’s online Bill Pay feature and add St. Mina as a payee using the below address. You can then manually go in and make a donation as if you are paying a bill or you can set up a monthly recurring donation based on your bank’s Bill Pay features. When adding the church, please use this address:
St. Mina Coptic Orthodox Church
PO Box 465
Holmdel, NJ 07733
Donate using Zelle: You can donate directly using your bank account with Zelle®. Add St. Mina’s Coptic Church using the email address treasury@stminas.org or use the QR Code below to scan within the Zelle® app on your mobile phone. If you would like a year-end donation statement when donating using Zelle®, please make sure to include your full name and delivery address (mailing address or e-mail address) in the optional message when sending a Zelle® donation.
Donate Stock: You have the ability to donate stock and receive the full amount of the stock as a deduction per IRS rules (not only gains on your cost basis). To donate stock, you can begin the transaction online using this button below:
Other ways to provide support:
Amazon Smile: Donate with every Amazon purchase you make! Use the below Amazon Smile link and select St. Mina’s as your designated charity. Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase to the church. All prices are the same as the normal (non-Smile) Amazon website and there are no fees!
eBay Charities: If you Buy or Sell on eBay, you can select St. Mina’s as a preferred charity. As a seller, when a buyer checks out, they will see a suggestion to make a donation to St. Mina’s. As a buyer, you can also make a donation during checkout. There are no fees associated with this and no deductions from your sales if you are a seller.
If you have any questions or suggestions we can add to this page, feel free to contact us at treasury@stminas.org.