Short Stories

A lady came to me complaining from her son who entered the day care center. "For the last few days," she told me, "I have been patiently scolding him for doing something wrong, saying, “Don't do that.” But he kept answering me, “No, I will do it.”

"I would tell him gently, 'Honey, that's wrong.'

"But he insisted, "I will do this. I will do it."

I was surprised to hear this because I know this kid to be a

Read more: A kid with a strong personality

The young monk knocked gently on the door of the cell of the solitary monk saying, "Agapy 1. "But the solitary monk didn't answer. He repeated himself a second and third time, but there was still no response. The monk had no choice but to enter as he knew that the solitary was very sick. The monk was surprised when he found, sitting next to the solitary, a very distinguished man.

The solitary asked the monk, "Why did you enter without permission?" But the visitor interfered saying, "Let him in, for God wants him to take the blessing!"

The visitor then

Read more: A Friend From Heaven

He Alone Remained With Me.

As Fr. Pishoy sat beside the man he said to him, "I hope all your problems have been solved. You seem happy."

"No, " he responded, "everything is the same, but I realize that Jesus is dwelling in me when I go through some tribulation and struggle. I will tell you of a dream, or perhaps a vision, that filled me with joy.

"I went to sleep very broken hearted, so broken hearted that I was at the point of committing suicide. I decided that I was going to throw myself from a very high mountain. On my way to the mountain, I encountered many of my friends. They all gave me comforting words of consolation, but I didn't feel that I could share my agony with any of

A Friend For Eternity...

This is the story of a famous leader named Joshua who had 80 disciples. All of them became good leaders.

One day, Joshua lifted up his heart and asked God what He had prepared for him in eternity. In a dream, Joshua heard a voice telling him, "You and Neres will be with me in Paradise and both of you will receive the same reward."

Joshua woke up upset, wondering how he could dedicate his whole life to the ministry of God and still get the same reward as a

On the 23rd day of Abib is the commemoration of the martyrdom of the blessed St. Marina, who overcame the Devil. She was one of the daughters of the nobles of Antioch. Her parents were pagan. When her mother died, her father sent her to a nanny to raise her, who was a Christian. She taught Marina the Faith of Christ. When Marina reached the age of fifteen years, her father died.

One day she heard her nurse talking about the biography of the martyrs and what glory they receive in the Kingdom of Heaven. She longed to become a martyr in the Name of the Lord Christ. One day St. Marina went out of her house with her maiden servants, and on her way she passed by Lopharius Ebrotus, the governor, who admired her much when he saw her. He ordered her brought to him. When the soldiers came to her, she told them that she was Christian. In turn, when they told the governor this, he was distressed for he liked her, and he had her brought to him by force. He offered her the worship of the idols and asked her to forsake God, but she refused.



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The Holy Week Schedule:

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Thu Feb 13 @ 7:15AM - 10:00PM
Jonah's Feast Divine Liturgy Service
Thu Feb 13 @ 6:30PM - 08:30PM
Midnight praises for girls and Women
Thu Feb 13 @ 7:30PM - 09:00PM
Graduate Fellowship Meeting
Fri Feb 14 @ 7:15AM - 10:00AM
Divine Liturgy Service
Fri Feb 14 @ 6:30PM - 07:00PM
Agpeya Prayer
Fri Feb 14 @ 7:00PM - 08:00PM
Sunday School Bible Study
Fri Feb 14 @ 7:00PM - 08:30PM
High School (Grade 9 to 12) Youth Meeting
Fri Feb 14 @ 7:00PM - 08:00PM
Bible Study for Adults
Fri Feb 14 @ 7:00PM - 08:30PM
Men's Meeting
Fri Feb 14 @ 8:00PM - 09:30PM
College and Grad Fellowship Meeting

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