Monastic Library

"Everything we do, our every objective, must be undertaken for the sake of this purity of heart. This is why we take on loneliness, fasting, vigils, work, nakedness. For this we must practice the reading of the Scripture, together with all the other virtuous activities, and we do so to trap and to hold our hearts free of the harm of every dangerous passion and in order to rise step by step to the high point of love." (Conference One - The Goal or Objective of the Monk, John Cassian Conferences)
» A Season to "Set Aside"
» Making the Most Out of Life
» St. Moses the Black: Meditation Strengthens Spiritual Life
» St. Anthony the Great: Wisdom Derived from Humility
» St. Anthony - A Saint in Search of Perfection
» St. Anthony - Toward True Righteousness
» St. Macarius the Great: Clothed with the Holy Spirit
» Anba Bishoi: A Life of TRUE Submission
» Anba Abraam Late Bishop of Fayoum, "Merciful and Giving"
» The Virgin's Fast

» What is Monasticism?
» The Three Vows of Monasticism: Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience
» The Letters of Saint Antony the Great
» Paradise of the Desert Fathers
» The Characteristics of and Conditions for Answered Prayers
» مميزات و شروط الصلاة المستجابة
» Palladius, The Lausiac History (1918)

Excerpts from the Paradise of the Holy Fathers
» The History of Abba Ammon
» The History of the Blessed Ammonius
» The History of Apollonius the Merchant
» The History of Didymus the Blind
» The History of Dorotheos of Thebes
» The Monks of Nitria
» The History of the Maiden Alexandra
» The History of the Blessed Man Pambo
» The History of Abba Macarius (the Alexandrian) and a Certain Virgin
» The History of the Natural Brethren Paesius and Isaiah
» The History of the Virgin Potamiaena

Stories of the Desert Fathers
» Stories from the Desert - on Abba Agathon
» Stories from the Desert - on Abba Anthony the Great
» Stories from the Desert - on Abba Arsenius
» Stories from the Desert - on St. Basil the Great
» Stories from the Desert - on Abba Cassian
» Stories from the Desert - on Abba Daniel
» Stories from the Desert - on Abba Isaac, Priest of the Cells
» Stories from the Desert - on Abba Isidore the Priest
» Stories from the Desert - on Abba John the Dwarf (Short)
» Stories from the Desert - on St. John the Theban
» Stories from the Desert - on Abba Macarius the Great
» Stories from the Desert - on Abba Macarius of Alexandriat
» Stories from the Desert - on Abba Mark, Disciple of Abba Silvanus
» Stories from the Desert - on Abba Matoes
» Stories from the Desert - on Abba Moses the Strong
» Stories from the Desert - on Abba Pambo
» Stories from the Desert - on Abba Serapion

Writings of the Desert Fathers
» St. Anthony the Great - First Letter

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