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Arriving at the spot of his execution, the great saint and martyr asked for a little time to pray.  While he was praying, a great light appeared; it was our Lord Jesus Christ, in great glory with His archangels and angels.  The Lord, with His sweet gentleness, addressed St. Mercurius, saying: “Peace be to you, my beloved Mercurius.  Your prayers and pleadings have ascended before me as good incense.  Come and rest with Me in My Kingdom, for you have struggled well and kept your faith, and finished your course.  Come now to receive the crown of glory which has been appointed to you.  You were sincere and testified to My name before kings and princes regardless of sufferings.  I will let your name be known in every part of the world and great miracles will be performed in churches that bear your name. Whoever writes down the story of your testimony and suffering, I will write his name in the book of eternal life.  He who prepares your body for burial on earth, I will give him a celestial body on the day of judgment. 

And the martyr, being strengthened in peace and joy by the vision of the Savior, said to those who were appointed to execute him, “Do what you have been commanded to do quickly, for the Lord Who invites everyone to repentance shall make you worthy of His grace, for He is rich and shows grace to those who go to Him with a gift and without envy.”  After saying these words, the great saint and martyr, St. Philopatere Mercurius Abu-Saifain, offered his head to executors and was beheaded. After he was executed, his body became as white as snow and emitted a sweet odor of the best incense and herbs.  Witnessing these things, many people became Christians. 

On the twenty-fifth day of the blessed month of Hatour, St. Philopatere Mercurius received the crown of martyrdom.


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